In the Forex Market, the use of charts is essential to be able to trade in the currency market.
The forex charts are easy to interpret, especially for someone who has already invested or operated intraday on the stock market because they are very similar. In this way, the forex operator will only have to select the currency pair that he wants to trade and the period that he wants for each candle on the currency chart.
Analysis of long-term forex charts gives us clearer visibility and a better perspective on the market. Once the long term has been established, we can consult daily and intra-daily charts, since these can have time frames of 1 minute, 10 minutes to daily.
Now, if there is no trend in the market, then we will need another strategy, possibly until the market begins to demonstrate trends again.
Forex Brokers
The broker is an agent who acts as an intermediary between a buyer and a seller, for which he charges a commission.
In the case of the Forex market, the broker is in charge of intermediating the purchase/sale of foreign currency, and there are a large number of agents around the world, who must have a license that allows them to carry out this task.
In addition, IronFX broker review (รีวิว โบรกเกอร์ IronFX which is the term in Thai) are responsible for advising and advising on financial issues related to the business.
The online broker is a traditional broker that allows Currency trading through the use of the web as a mechanism to facilitate interaction with its clients. In this way, the web becomes the interface for buying/selling currencies, and at the same time, it is the platform used to offer information and advice according to the client’s needs.